Top Assets Group – our Mission
We are a leading re-developer with a focus on residential real estate to create and maintain attractive living spaces that remain affordable.
We invest in particular in the upgrading of residential properties in and around Vienna. As technicians with our own general contractor business, we combine technical and commercial development measures with smart asset management.
After completion of our redevelopment measures, our properties remain in the portfolio or are sold in the medium term to investors or in individual sales to existing tenants, capital investors and owner-occupiers.
Our business model is based on the stable demand for attractive, urban living spaces that are also affordable. As part of our projects, we acquire properties that generate rental surpluses from the outset in order to actively mitigate our investors’ risk. Through steady rental income, our projects have a stable cash flow throughout the re-development phase. At the end of a project, the exit takes place with corresponding upside potential for our investors. Should the planned proceeds not be realisable due to short-term market changes, the project remains in the existing portfolio and ensures a permanently stable rental yield.
We are an integrated real estate company and offer all service levels of the value chain: Starting with our own sourcing and our general contractor competence, through smart asset management to exit, we combine all competences in-house so that we can act autonomously and efficiently. For investors and capital providers, we act as a prudent asset manager with strong expertise in the Value Add and Opportunistic risk classes.